Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Abortion - Is it really so wrong?

All my life I've been told abortion is wrong. "It is nothing but murder and it is preposterous". Well, you want to know what I think? The people who say this have never gone through an "Oh my God, I think I'm pregant! I cannot have this baby!" moment. Who are they to judge women who wish to get an abortion done? I think everyone should try to put themselves in their position. They control their life and they have every right to decide if they wish to bring a new person into this messed up world. Nevertheless they will say: "If you can't have a baby, then don't have sex!". Well, like Madonna, I say sex is human nature. Should a married couple who isn't prepared to have kids not have sex at all? And then they talk about protection.. Well, nothing's 100% effective. So next time you feel like judging someone who is having an abortion done, think about what might be going on in their lives and DON'T JUDGE THEM.

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