Friday, September 19, 2008

The Gays Are My Friends

So i was taking my Religion class the other day, which incidentally is a complete bust, and somehow homosexualism came up. I'm not a homo, but I'm totally on their side. My teacher is a complete asshole when it comes to controversial subjects, he thinks he's always right, and he started blabbing on and on about how people cannot be born gay. This obviously pissed me off immediately because all my life I've been taught that people can TOO be born gay, and then again, some become gay because of their life experiences. I mean, if dogs and cats can be homosexuals (and I don't think they do that because they've learned to be that way or are "mentally ill" like some dare say), then why can't human beings also be born gay?? You tell me...

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Abortion - Is it really so wrong?

All my life I've been told abortion is wrong. "It is nothing but murder and it is preposterous". Well, you want to know what I think? The people who say this have never gone through an "Oh my God, I think I'm pregant! I cannot have this baby!" moment. Who are they to judge women who wish to get an abortion done? I think everyone should try to put themselves in their position. They control their life and they have every right to decide if they wish to bring a new person into this messed up world. Nevertheless they will say: "If you can't have a baby, then don't have sex!". Well, like Madonna, I say sex is human nature. Should a married couple who isn't prepared to have kids not have sex at all? And then they talk about protection.. Well, nothing's 100% effective. So next time you feel like judging someone who is having an abortion done, think about what might be going on in their lives and DON'T JUDGE THEM.

Monday, September 1, 2008


As a child raised in a Catholic family and educated in a Catholic school, I have heard many contrary opinions on the subject of Evolution. Nevertheless, I was never your average Catholic girl and (believe me) I don't think like one.

The Cristian opinion on Evolution is that it is incorrect because the Bible states that God created us, men and woman, from the very beginning. However, there's something Cristian people tend to miss. God made us from "clay", and what's clay but something that was already there before us? Here's where evolution comes in. We could have a common ancestor with the apes and monkeys, and it could've been the "clay".
Someone who has ever thought this thought can't possibly oppose completely to Evolution. If they do, they're probably very close minded and need someone to open them up.